October 15, 2015

2 Suspected Thieves Killed By Angry Mob In Abuja IDP Camp [See Photos]

Some IDPs at the Kuchingoro camp in Abuja, at about 3pm Yesterday, lynched two men to death. The deceased persons were killed by the rampaging IDPs over suspicion that they were part of the armed robbery gang that has been disturbing the camp in the past. Although their allegations were unconfirmed, they still went ahead to lynch them to death, alleging that they stole some motorcycles, although nobody could point out the said motorcycles they allegedly stole. Before the police could come from Games Village, the IDPs had burnt the first person to death and were about to deal same with the second dead person, when the police finally arrived. They used planks, bottles and stones on the victims, before hanging tyres on their head and dousing them with fuel.
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