April 30, 2015

Reasons Women Don’t Date Nice Guys

Are you those guys who asked me why girls usually choose a
bad boy instead of opting for a nice and calm partner who
would treat her right? I've come up with reasonable reasons this
happens.. Lets roll..
12 Reasons Women Don't Date Nice Guys:
1. Nice guys are just too nice. They are busy being nice instead
of being real, and women don't trust that. Bad boys "keep it
real." Nice guys don't want to hurt a fly.
2. They often expect women to just know how they feel and
don't have the guts to say what they really think. Nice guys
complain girls use them but they're too scared to actually say
something and let her know where they stand and what they
3. Nice guys don't set boundaries or make any real demands. A
bad boy doesn't let a woman walk all over him or control him.
Women can't respect a man they can control. Women are not
attracted to guys who they don't respect.
4. Most Nice Guys are Predictable. Girls are attracted to people
who are exciting and a bit unpredictable.
5. Nice guys don't usually need to be fixed. Bad boys usually do,
so they become a project. **Hehe.. Women think if they can
"create" the perfect man, he will never leave them.
6. Most shy guys have low self-esteem
7. Fear of commitment. If a woman is afraid of intimacy, she
knows she can avoid it with a bad boy, since she can never get
close enough to him to have to go there. A nice guy will
eventually want a commitment, and that's really scary.
8. They're terrible in bed. They worked so hard to get laid only to
end up not knowing what to do. They don't have the experience
or confidence to make a woman feel sexually fulfilled and
satisfied.Women feel a nice guy won't be good in bed.
9. Bad guys are Hot. Have you ever seen a bad boy who is not
hot? They probably wouldn't be able to get away with the bad
stuffs they did if they didn't look so good.
10. Nice guys agree with everything. A guy who agrees with
everything, never has an opinion, and lets people treat them
anyhow they want isn't attractive. Someone with their own
distinct personality who isn't afraid of voicing his opinion is going
to attract more women than just pretending like he's cool with
11. Nice guys don't always know what to say and are sometimes
at a loss for words. Bad boys can be very charming and know
exactly what women want to hear. However, they eventually
switch over to being selfish. By the time they reveal their true
colors, the woman has fallen for them and has a hard time
letting go.
12. Protection. Even the most independent and self-sufficient
woman wants to be with someone who, at the end of the day,
makes her feel safe to be with. Women want someone who can
protect them if they need it. A girl want to know if her boyfriend
is going to be there to help her out if some guy is talking shit to
You Guys should note this: Just because a woman doesn't want
to date a nice guy, doesn't mean she only dates bad guys. A girl
wants someone who is willing to correct her when She goes
wrong and someone who is confident.
Guys, all I'm trying to say is that you should Love and care for
your girlfriend but don't to let her walk all over you.




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